Ingrained DEV

Coming Out in Hollywood

If Rock Hudson had “come out” in the 1960’s it would have been a career ending scandal.  Columnists, publicists, the Studios and media in general would have piled on so fast and pilloried him so hard it’s doubtful that we would even remember his name today outside the scandal.  But that didn’t happen. Hudson’s private life remained private almost until he died.  Hudson’s friends and co-workers conspired to keep it private, and it probably would have remained private had he not died of Aids.  We can look back today and smugly think that Society’s attitude was warped, that

today we realize the sexual orientation of an actor is no more consequential  than the orientation of the random stranger encountered in a coffee shop.  But while being homosexual in Hollywood is no longer big news has it really changed that much?

Society’s take on homosexuality has changed more in the past 10 years than in the previous 100.  But being “out” in Hollywood is still not truly acceptable, and some celebrities still go to great lengths to conceal their personal lives.  They know it’s ok to be gay, but you’re going to play gay or go home.

In our digitally connected world it is harder than ever to hide.  From Justin Beiber allegedly smoking marijuana to the play by play on the train wreck that is Lindsey Lohan’s life.  The ever present media will catch every move, every slip, every fall and have it will be on the air before you can speed dial your publicist.  So what is the point in even trying to keep your love life a secret?

Well I did not really know the answer until we created the website dedicated to Fifty Shades of Grey and Matt Bomer was brought u

p as a possible lead for Fifty Shades of Grey the movie.  As you likely know Fifty Shades of Grey is derived from Twilight Fan Fiction.  The books are about a steamy romance and touches on BDSM and control blended with a real love story.  When rumours began to circulate about Matt Bomer being a candidate for the leading male role of Christian Grey so did the comments related to his sexuality.  Matt Bomer is out and does not hide his sexual preference.  Matt is “out” in Hollywood.  The response to this casting rumour has been divided.  Some fans, focusing on his acting skills, see him as a good fit.  Others are saying a gay male lead can’t be Christian Grey.

These latter comments seem to be more about the fan’s own fantasies blending into a reality and not ‘can Matt Bomer act or become Christian Grey’.  I honestly had no clue what Matt’s sexual preference was, but I enjoyed watching him play his character on “White Collar”.  Yet fans still made public comments like:

While Matt is a handsome guy, Christian is not a gay character.
That could be another movie he could do.
I think most wome

n would want it to be more believable.
Ian is the best choice. Ryan is ok but too old.

This poster must have grown up in a house full of Rock Hudson Fans still reeling from finding out about his sexual preference.  We are talking about the job of ACTING.  Which means a gay man should be able to play a straight man.  It is comments like that and the many that share the same sentiment that have many actors and actress locking their closets.  We really do not know the sexuality of any of Hollywood’s elite and it is none of our business.

They are actors, so that means they are professional liars.  They are masters at creating feeling and evoking emotions.  If Matt Bomer wants to be Christian Grey the fans should judge Matt on his acting ability.  Did you leave the movie feeling as though you watched Christian Grey and Anastasia or the actor and actress that played the role.  It seems that we still have a long way to go on the acceptance of those around us.  Greatness in one skill is not diminished by choice.  So put your pitchforks down because you may end up chasing one of your favorite stars further into the closet.

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