
NFL Super Bowl XLVII Advertising Round Up

Today is the day we huddle around the water cooler to discuss ads.  Unlike any other time in our lives Super Bowl Sunday is the day we welcome advertisers into our homes.  So for the last 25 years USA Today has been tracking the viewer’s response to these ads.  As

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) in MMA

Mixed Martial Arts has had another major fight with potentially career changing results and another surprise TRT exemption.  The need for TRT is not something I am qualified to discuss.  I am not a doctor and I do not play one on TV.  That is not what this blog is

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Coming Out in Hollywood

If Rock Hudson had “come out” in the 1960’s it would have been a career ending scandal.  Columnists, publicists, the Studios and media in general would have piled on so fast and pilloried him so hard it’s doubtful that we would even remember his name today outside the scandal.  But

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Respect Your Universe (RYU) Closes The Door on MMA

Respect Your Universe (“RYU”) is no longer a Mixed Martial Arts (“MMA”) brand, what they are is still yet to be defined.  Lets take a look at the rise and fall of RYU in MMA. The new CEO of RYU said “That direct association with the sport and the UFC

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As Real As It Gets, Except on Twitter

There has been a lot of talk about celebrities with fake Twitter followers and how their reach relates to actual influence.  We have even blogged on the topic .  So we decided to take a look at the UFC’s top athletes and Influencers to see how they compared. We also uncover the

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